We want every patient to have access to treatment options that are best suited to what they need. Contact us to learn more.
dental venneers


Veneers are the perfect way to gain a new and improved smile instantly and permanently. Dr. Donia guarantees quality results to his patients by sourcing only the best dental veneers materials available. The end result is not only a great smile but a lasting impact on the lives of his patients seeking tooth veneers in the Encino, CA area. Porcelain veneers can correct the following cosmetic issues:
  • Chipped teeth
  • Cracked teeth
  • Stained teeth
  • Crooked/misaligned teeth
  • Gaps


Invisalign offers an alternative and innovative way to straighten your teeth without the use of traditional metal braces. Dr. Steven Donia is your best choice in Encino, CA to achieve the perfect smile without sacrificing your lifestyle and comfort with traditional braces.

How Does Invisalign Work?

The Invisalign system consists of a series of custom clear aligners that are worn for two weeks at a time. With each clear aligner, Dr. Donia is able to slowly and precisely shift your teeth into the perfect position that will grant you a gorgeous smile at the end of the treatment. Invisalign is a treatment option that will fit into your busy lifestyle. The aligners are completely removable so you will not have to give up any of your favorite foods or change your brushing and flossing routine. Since the aligners are custom-made to fit only your mouth, they will be comfortable and the SmartTrack proprietary material provides a great fit.
Invisalign clear aligners
dental bridges

Bridges & Crowns


Dental bridges are a way to restore one or more missing teeth in your mouth without the need for any painful surgery. Dr. Donia has created lifelike and durable bridges for thousands of his satisfied patients in Encino, CA.


Dental crowns are used to improve the overall function and natural appearance of a tooth.

Dental Implants

Missing teeth can be a source of embarrassment in social situations and removable appliances such as partials and dentures are often uncomfortable for patients. Dr. Steven Donia offers permanent dental implants at his practice in Encino, CA, to restore the perfect smile you once had.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are the ultimate solution to completely replace a tooth. Implants are permanently anchored to your jawbone and produce a natural look with proper function. Implants can serve to replace one or more missing teeth and offer another alternative to bridges.
dental implants
zoom whitening

Zoom Whitening

Pearly white teeth are one of the most valued qualities of a desirable smile, and Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Steven Donia has seen Zoom Whitening brighten hundreds if not thousands of smiles in and around Encino, CA. Zoom Whitening offers you the opportunity to eliminate years of staining from your teeth with teeth whitening treatments, including zoom whitening, in just over an hour. Zoom Whitening offers a quick but effective alternative to over-the-counter, or take-home whitening systems that you typically see in the store. With just over an hour of your time, your smile can become up to eight shades lighter!

Additional Services

We offer a large variety of dental treatments and services. Please call our office today to learn more about all the treatments and services we offer.

Our treatments and services include:

Contact us at (818) 308-1284 to learn more about our treatment options.
dental treatments and services
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